
Building Your Business Legacy – More Than Just Profit

As a business owner, you’ve built something special – a thriving enterprise that reflects your vision and hard work. But with success comes a responsibility to plan for the future. Here’s why August is the perfect time to take stock and work toward a business legacy that extends beyond the bottom line. Beyond Profits: Succession […]

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Fireworks and Financial Freedom: Is Early Retirement a Feasible Goal for Your Business?

As the nation celebrates independence on the Fourth of July, many business owners contemplate a different kind of freedom – early retirement. The allure of escaping the daily grind and pursuing personal passions is undeniable. However, achieving this goal requires a proactive and well-defined strategy. Can You Retire Early? Evaluating Your Business Transitioning to early […]

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June is for Planning: 3 Steps to Help Secure Your Business Exit Strategy

As the sun shines and summer stretches before us, June is a perfect time to turn your attention inwards and focus on planning for the future. For business owners, a critical aspect of that future is a well-defined exit strategy. Whether you’re dreaming of a relaxing retirement on the beach or a passionate pursuit in […]

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Beyond the Business: Managing Personal Wealth Alongside Your Business

Running a business is all-consuming. You wear many hats, constantly making decisions for the health and growth of your company. But amidst the hustle, it’s crucial not to neglect your own financial well-being. Here’s why keeping your personal wealth separate from your business finances is essential, and how to achieve it effectively. The Importance of […]

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Selling Your Business? Better Position Your After-Tax Take-Home with Strategic Planning

So, you’ve built a thriving business – congratulations! Now, your sights are set on a well-deserved exit. But before you shake hands with the buyer, there’s one crucial step: Seeking to maximize your after-tax sales proceeds. That’s where a financial advisor with expertise in business sales comes in. Why You Need More Than Just a […]

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Maximizing Impact: The Strategy of Asset-Based Giving – Contributing Shares of Your Business Before the Sale

For business owners seeking to make a substantial philanthropic impact while strategically planning for their financial future, asset-based giving presents a unique avenue. Leveraging the concept of contributing shares of a business before its sale, known as asset-based giving, can not only benefit charitable causes but also potentially offer tax advantages and financial planning opportunities. […]

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Retiring as a Small-Business Owner: What to Know Before You Go 

The thought of retiring may be intimidating for anyone—but if you own your own business, handing your “baby” to new owners might be enough to stop you in your tracks. What might you do to set your successor up for success? What should all business owners know before they go? Set Specific Retirement Goals When […]

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Business Succession Planning

When developing a succession plan for your business, you must make many decisions. Should you sell your business or give it away? Should you structure your plan to go into effect during your lifetime or at your death? Should you transfer your ownership interest to family members, co-owners, employees, or an outside party? The key […]

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