Our Services

We believe our clients choose us because they want a trusted ambassador to simplify their financial planning and investment management.

What We Do


We empower you so you can focus on your passions.


We take vast and unpredictable territory and make it accessible.


We can’t predict the future, but we can plan for the unexpected.

Live Your Best Life

Who We Serve

We believe our clients choose us because they want a trusted ambassador to simplify their financial planning and investment management.

Business Owners and Leaders

We are here to help you navigate the unique dynamics that come with business ownership, including succession planning, exit strategies, risk mitigation, asset protection, asset management, and tax planning. We work with business leaders who would like to retire early so they can successfully execute their next mission in life.


Each stage of life requires a unique planning process and an appropriate investment strategy. We work with working and retired individuals to create a financial and estate plan that allows them to be purposeful with their lives and their wealth.

Generous Families

We work with families who are or want to be extremely generous with their assets, liquid and non-liquid. These families hire us to help develop, manage, and create more capacity so their generosity can impact their families and chosen causes in the short term and for the next generation.

Our Core Services

Financial Planning

We provide comprehensive financial planning services that are tailored to your unique needs. We create a road map for those just getting started, build retirement strategies for those wondering if they have saved enough, and provide estate planning services for those thinking about their legacy.

Active Investment Planning

As we often remind our clients, assets are simply a tool to help you reach your goals. Before building any investment portfolios, we start by making sure we understand you and your goals. We then build your investment portfolio in line with your time frame, your risk tolerance, your tax situation, and the current economic environment. We monitor your investments over time to ensure that we are pro-actively re-balancing when warranted, making strategy shifts when necessary, and adding value by doing things such as tax-loss harvesting when the markets are down.

Business Planning

Whether growing a new business, mitigating risk with insurance, or exploring retirement and succession options, our firm provides the confidence you need to optimally manage your business. Our flexible, fee-based model allows us to structure our services and fees in the most cost-effective and convenient way for you and your business.

Private Investment Strategies

The public markets, such as the New York Stock Exchange, can often be unpredictable and can cause uncertainty and anxiety as you weather the short-term volatility in hopes of long-term gain. In an attempt to reduce volatility, we offer private investment strategies including private real estate, private credit, and private equity that are not correlated with the public markets.

* Not suitable for all investors. There are minimum requirements for these products, please contact us for more information.

Charitable Strategies

Charitable giving is something we are passionate about, and we want to help you realize your charitable goals as well. We help clients reduce their taxes and impact the world around them by using strategies such as Pooled Income Funds, Charitable Remainder Trusts, Donor-Advised Funds, Designated Funds, Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRAs, appreciated stock gifts, donations/gifts prior to a sale, etc.

Financial planning isn’t just for the journey’s end. It’s for new adventures.
Let Us Be Your Guide


I’m not as familiar with investments, financial planning, and best practices around real estate or taxes. Is that something you can help me with?

Yes. Financial education is a large part of what we do and something we truly enjoy. As financial education is not really taught in schools, we also spend time with younger students to help teach and equip them to learn sound financial principles (e.g., investments, giving, taxes, debt, insurance/protection planning, real estate, cash planning, etc.).

We have a financial advisor and like that relationship but would like a second opinion. Can we hire your firm to review our financial situation without feeling pressure to move accounts/assets?

Yes, as a CFP® Professional, I love the opportunity to provide a second opinion. We do this often and we’re good at it.

I’m a real estate investor and do not invest in the stock market. Can your firm help with financial modeling and planning?

Yes, we enjoy working with real estate investors to help them better understand how to manage their holdings. How do you bill? Based upon the complexity, we would bill either hourly or by the project.

I was put into a cash value life insurance policy by my insurance agent several years ago and am not sure if it’s still the best policy for my family. Can your firm analyze my existing policy(s) to make sure it’s still the right coverage for me?

Yes, we do this with regularity. Ensuring you and your family have the best policy(s) in place is crucial to having a sound financial plan.

I am a business owner and am looking to sell my business in the next 3 – 5 years. I have a good CPA and estate attorney but would like another advisor to help think through ideas to help to maximize the after-tax sales proceeds. Is this something your firm can help with and what type of strategies are there?

Yes, we have many years of experience helping clients to properly sell their businesses. Part of our planning process includes financial modeling which considers tax reduction and deferral strategies such as 1031 Exchanges, charitable strategies (Donor Advised funds, Pooled Income Funds, Charitable Remainder Trust, etc.), estate planning techniques, and more. Once money is invested, there are tax planning strategies that we feel can help to offset present income due to depreciation pass-through.

What is your fee model?

Fee-Only Services

Financial Planning

We offer one-time and ongoing financial planning services. Please note this service excludes ongoing, investment management.

One-Time Financial Plan

Basic $3,500

Advanced $5,000 – $10,000 (depends on complexity)

Ongoing Financial Planning (billed monthly)

$250 – $500 per month

Hourly Consulting – $300 per hour

Fee-Based Services

Investment Management

Fee Schedule
< $1,000,000 = 1.25%
$1,000,000 – $5,000,000 = 1.00%
$5,000,000 – $10,000,000 = 0.75%
> $10,000,000 = 0.65%
