
Building Your Business Legacy – More Than Just Profit

As a business owner, you’ve built something special – a thriving enterprise that reflects your vision and hard work. But with success comes a responsibility to plan for the future. Here’s why August is the perfect time to take stock and work toward a business legacy that extends beyond the bottom line. Beyond Profits: Succession […]

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August is National Make-A-Will Month: Don’t Let Your Legacy Be Left to Chance

August might remind you of back-to-school preparations, but it’s also a crucial time for another kind of planning: estate planning. Did you know August is National Make-A-Will Month? It’s the perfect time to take action and ensure your wishes are followed after you’re gone. Many people put off estate planning, thinking it’s only for the […]

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Real Estate: Friend or Foe in Your Retirement Journey

As you approach retirement, you might be re-evaluating your assets, including your home. Should you downsize, rent it out, or hold onto it? Real estate can be a valuable tool in your retirement plan, but it comes with its own set of considerations. Let’s explore both sides of the coin and help you decide how […]

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Inflation’s Bite on Your Retirement Nest Egg (Understanding the Threat)

Imagine a scenario: you’ve diligently saved for retirement, meticulously building your nest egg. Now, picture that nest shrinking – not from spending, but from the silent thief called inflation. Inflation, the gradual rise in prices over time, erodes the purchasing power of your money. That pack of groceries you bought for $10 last year might […]

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Leaving a Legacy of Impact: A Guide to Strategic Philanthropy

For many high-net-worth families, wealth extends beyond financial security. It becomes an opportunity to create a lasting legacy, one that impacts the world in a positive and meaningful way. This is where strategic philanthropy comes in. By partnering with a financial advisor specializing in charitable giving, these families can work to maximize their impact and […]

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Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits: A Guide for Retirees

Social Security is a cornerstone of retirement income for many Americans. Understanding how to maximize your Social Security benefits can significantly impact your financial independence in your golden years. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the system and claim what you deserve: Understanding Your Full Retirement Age (FRA): Social Security benefits are based on […]

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Fireworks and Financial Freedom: Is Early Retirement a Feasible Goal for Your Business?

As the nation celebrates independence on the Fourth of July, many business owners contemplate a different kind of freedom – early retirement. The allure of escaping the daily grind and pursuing personal passions is undeniable. However, achieving this goal requires a proactive and well-defined strategy. Can You Retire Early? Evaluating Your Business Transitioning to early […]

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Mid-Year Financial Checkup: A Refresh for Your Strategies

As we reach the halfway point of the year, it’s a prime opportunity for individuals to conduct a mid-year financial checkup. This proactive approach allows you to assess your progress towards long-term goals, identify potential adjustments, and capitalize on any strategic opportunities. Why a Mid-Year Checkup Matters: Market fluctuations, tax law changes, and evolving personal […]

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Estate Planning Essentials for Retirees: Building Your Legacy, Brick by Brick

Let’s face it, estate planning isn’t the most exciting topic for a summer afternoon. But for retirees, it’s a crucial step in promoting a smooth transition and a lasting legacy for your loved ones. Think of estate planning like building a house. You wouldn’t start construction without a blueprint, right? An estate plan is your […]

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Inflation and Your Retirement: Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Curve

The recent rise in inflation has many worried, especially retirees living on a fixed income. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of your money, meaning your nest egg buys less over time. But fear not! At I.M. Financial we’re here to equip you with strategies to stay ahead of inflation and help your golden years remain […]

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